A Corporate Partnership with the Estonian Festival Orchestra provides an invaluable opportunity for your company to support one of the world’s leading orchestras in a mutually beneficial long-term relationship.
Whether you operate regionally, nationally or internationally, we work with companies to deliver a tailored message through a variety of sponsorship assets and extensive marketing and activation platforms. Our partnerships are also designed to offer unique hospitality opportunities to fulfil client entertaining objectives, including top tickets, complimentary programmes, exclusive access backstage with the musicians, accreditation and invitations to VIP events.
By investing in the Estonian Festival Orchestra you can help us to:
● Perform alongside the world’s most famous soloists and orchestral players.
● Tour internationally and perform in the most prestigious cities and venues worldwide.
● Give opportunities to emerging instrumentalists, conductors and composers from Estonia to develop their talent by participating in the orchestra and Järvi Academy alongside internationally recognised names.
● Produce exceptional EFO recordings, as well as the possibility of commissioning new works.
● Maintain and expand our vital management team, operating in Estonia and the UK with world-renowned management company HarrisonParrott.
In return, we are able to offer bespoke packages in line with your support, such as:
● Marketing and Branding: Crediting as Sponsor in key publicity materials for our performances worldwide (ie.posters, flyers, e-marketing, press, logo crediting and brand presence across a variety of platforms).
● Hospitality and Networking: Complimentary performance tickets and programmes, invitations to attend EFO rehearsals and recording sessions, advance notice of our brochures, and the chance to network in VIP events and receptions.
● Corporate Social Responsibility and Client Engagement: Opportunity to invite employees to rehearsals, converts and events whilst aligning your brand with the EFO’s artistic and educational activities.